In December 2008, speaking on the weekly programme of Mario Borghezio's Padania Association on Radio Padania Libera (Radio Free Padania), Abrahamowicz attacked Cardinal Tettamanzi's views on the matter.
In September 2007, Bossi accepted an invitation by Father Florian Abrahamowicz to his celebration of a Tridentine Mass and said there were affinities between the Lega Nord and the followers of Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre.
Florian Schneider | Saint Florian | Johann Florian Heller | Florian Schwarthoff | Florian Pop | Florian Mayer | Florian Marciniak | Florian Lahnstein | Ernst Florian Winter | Caffè Florian | St. Florian's Church, Ljubljana | St. Florian's Church in Ljubljana | Sankt Florian am Inn | Rick Florian | Jean-Pierre Claris de Florian | Florian Ungler | Florian Stahel | Florian Schmidt | Florian Habicht | Florian Cajori | Florian Biesik | Florian Abrahamowicz |