
4 unusual facts about Fluorophore


Because there is a great progress in development of antibodies, fluorochromes and multicolor digital flow cytometres, it became a question of how to interpret cytometric data and how to achieve comparable results between facilities.

Since the '90s immunophenotyping (staining cells with antibodies conjugated with fluorochromes and detection with flow cytometer) became the preferred method in diagnostics of haematological malignancies.


The nucleolus ultrastructure can be visualized through an electron microscope, while the organization and dynamics can be studied through fluorescent protein tagging and fluorescent recovery after photobleaching (FRAP).


In glowsticks, a fluorescent dye is added, which absorbs much of the energy produced during the decomposition of the oxalate ester, and converts that energy into light energy which is observed as the characteristic glow.


FITC (a fluorophore)-labeled anti-treponeme antibody and TRITC (another fluorophore)-labeled anti-human antibodies are added as secondary antibodies.

Molecular-weight size marker

Like the samples of interest, the marker is also derivitized with a fluorophore (usually with 8-aminonapthalene-1,3,6-trisulfonic acid (ANTS) or 2-aminoacridone).

Total internal reflection fluorescence microscope

However, fluorophores that are bound to the specimen surface and those in the surrounding medium exist in an equilibrium state.

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