The show had numerous creative collaborators including Jonathan Wells (creative director), designer Bill McMullen (who created the logo), twenty2product (who designed the show's motion graphics sequences), graphic designer David Weissberg, producers Aden Ikram, Randall Hoy and Lisa Braz.
Flux Television was a pioneering digital culture show that ran on a Public, educational, and government access (PEG) cable TV channel in New York, San Francisco and San Diego in the mid-1990s.
television | reality television | CBC Television | television program | Television | television network | CTV Television Network | television film | Thames Television | BBC Television | High-definition television | Royal Television Society | Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission | ABC Television | 2006 in television | Public-access television | 1954 in television | TelevisiĆ³n EspaƱola | cable television | British Academy of Film and Television Arts | DuMont Television Network | Television program | Japanese television drama | 2005 in television | digital television | 1991 in television | Ion Television | Global Television Network | China Central Television | 1996 in television |