In an attempt to tackle the financial problems the owners restructured the business, and injected fresh capital in the form of £200m via loans by the owners Cerberus Capital, Bank of Scotland and GMAC.
Focus on the Family | Focus | Ford Focus | Focus Features | DIY Network | Sub Focus | Auto Focus | Ford Focus (North America) | Football Focus | Focus (linguistics) | Focus (band) | Focus On The Family | Focus Multimedia | Focus Humanitarian Assistance | Focus (German magazine) | Focus... | focus | DIY ethic | Child Focus | The DiY Sound System | Regulatory focus theory | Ford Focus RS WRC | Ford Focus (International) | Focus puller | Focus Gwede | Focus Bikes | Focus 3 | Tomorrow Focus | Racking focus | Mother Focus |
In the UK, the company has been involved with the liquidation, property closures and stock clearances of many high street names including Focus DIY, Jessops and First Quench Retailing.