
4 unusual facts about Fontvieille


Fontvieille, Bouches-du-Rhône, a commune in the French département of Bouches-du-Rhône

Fontvieille, Monaco, a community within Monaco consisting of land reclaimed from the Mediterranean Sea

Roman engineering

Twelve kilometers north of Arles, at Barbegal, near Fontvieille, where the aqueduct arrived at a steep hill, the aqueduct fed a series of parallel water wheels to power a flourmill.

Zoological Garden of Monaco

The Jardin Animalier de Monaco are located on the Esplanade Rainer III, in Monaco's Fontvieille ward, on the southern side of the Rock of Monaco.

La Colle, Monaco

It runs directly along the neighboring French towns of Beausoleil, and Cap-d'Ail, as well as the Monégasque Wards of, Les Révoires, Fontvieille, and Moneghetti.

see also