
unusual facts about Forces of Nature

Forces of Nature

His nerves aren't helped when he's seated next to Sarah (Bullock), a free-spirited person who seems to get on his nerves.

see also

Barry A. Vann

Among Professor Vann's more important books are Rediscovering the South's Celtic Heritage; In Search of Ulster-Scots Land: The Birth and Geotheological Imaginings of a Transatlantic People; Geography Toward History: Studies in the Mediterranean Basin and Mesopotamia (with Ellsworth Huntington); Puritan Islam: The Geoexpansion of the Muslim World; and The Forces of Nature: Our Quest to Conquer the Planet.

Sam Cardon

Sam Cardon is a composer whose credits include 15 large-format films:"Titans Of The Ice Age", "Mummies", "Mystic India", Texas, The Big Picture, "Forces Of Nature", Lewis and Clark,The Legendary Journeys, Shackleton's Antarctic Adventure, Mysteries of Egypt, Olympic Glory, Whales, Building the Dream at Hearst Castle in San Simeon, California; Treasure of the Gods at Zion National Park, Utah and The Secret of San Francisco at Pier 39.


He also uses his costume belt and bracelet pellets as a sling, evoking the weapon used by King David against Goliath, with which he is able to control forces of nature.

Wang Changyuan

Wang Changyuan is the composer of the famous guzheng solo piece, Zhan Tai Feng (Chinese: 战台风, "The Fight with the Typhoon"), a dramatic depiction of fight of the Shanghai harbour proletariat against the forces of nature, while protecting the property of the people and the Chinese communist government.