
unusual facts about Foreign secretary

Foreign secretary

Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs, the Cabinet minister who heads the Foreign and Commonwealth Office in the United Kingdom

2004 Iranian seizure of Royal Navy personnel

They were threatened with legal action initially but released three days later following diplomatic discussions between Jack Straw, the British Foreign Secretary, and Kamal Kharazi, the Iranian Minister of Foreign Affairs.

Abd Rabbuh Mansur Hadi

In a meeting with British Foreign Secretary, William Hague in his first days at office Hadi said "We intend to confront terrorism with full force and whatever the matter we will pursue it to the very last hiding place".

Chief of the Secret Intelligence Service

The Chief is appointed by the Foreign Secretary, to whom he directly reports.

David Syme Russell

Russell’s first charge was as pastor at the Castlegate church, Berwick, and between 1945 and 1951 he was minister in Acton, London, where in his final year there he conducted the funeral of the Foreign Secretary, Ernest Bevin, preaching to a congregation including the cabinet of the Attlee government.

December Gold Cup

This was in memory of Robin Cook (1946–2005), a former Foreign Secretary who was a keen racing enthusiast.

Earl of Harrowby

It was created in 1809 for the prominent politician and former Foreign Secretary, Dudley Ryder, 2nd Baron Harrowby.

East Africa Protectorate

In the carrying out of this policy of colonisation a dispute arose between Sir Charles Eliot, then Commissioner of British East Africa and Lord Lansdowne, the British Foreign Secretary.

Edgar Granville, Baron Granville of Eye

Becoming a Liberal National for the 1931, he served as Parliamentary Private Secretary to then Home Secretary, Sir Herbert Samuel, then to Sir John Simon, Foreign Secretary, in the National Governments of the 1930s.

Haldane Reforms

Sir Edward Grey, the Foreign Secretary, had privately agreed to commit the Army to the aid of France, if attacked, and Haldane began to consider how best to accomplish this.

Hamid Mirza

Foreign Secretary Anthony Eden asked him to adopt a British name for his service, due to possible political or diplomatic complications.

Hendrie Oakshott, Baron Oakshott

He was then succeeded as MP by the future Chancellor and Foreign Secretary, Geoffrey Howe.

Henry Hopkinson, 1st Baron Colyton

He served in various positions at the British embassies in Washington and Stockholm and was also assistant private secretary to the Foreign Secretary, Sir John Simon, from 1932 to 1934 and First Secretary to the War Cabinet Office from 1939 to 1940.

Ian Montagu Fraser

However he was defeated at the 1966 general election by the Labour candidate David Owen, who went on to become Foreign Secretary.

Leonard Miall

Ernest Bevin, then British Foreign Secretary, heard the broadcast, and was spurred to press ahead with what became the Marshall Plan for the nations of Europe to rebuild their economies after the war.

Leyton by-election, 1965

An MP for over thirty years, his elevation to the peerage was intended to create a vacancy in a safe seat for the Foreign Secretary, Patrick Gordon Walker, who had been defeated in a shock result in the 1964 general election in his Smethwick constituency.

Mussolini assassination plot involving 617 squadron

The plan was derived by Air Marshal Harris and had the backing of Anthony Eden, the foreign secretary.

Near East Broadcasting Station

As late as 16 June 1948, in response to a Parliamentary Question, Foreign Secretary Ernest Bevin

Nick Hurd

The Hon Nick Hurd MP is eldest son of the Conservative Life Peer, Douglas, Lord Hurd of Westwell formerly Member of Parliament, Foreign Secretary and leadership contender under Baroness Thatcher and successively under Sir John Major.

Niger uranium forgeries

In June and July, British Foreign Secretary Jack Straw testified that the claim in the dossier rested on separate evidence to the fraudulent documents, and that this specific intelligence, obtained from a foreign government, was still under review and had not been shared with the CIA.

North Cray

North Cray briefly became the centre of international attention in August 1822 when Robert Stewart, Viscount Castlereagh, the Foreign Secretary, committed suicide at his country home Loring Hall.

Nuclear doctrine of Pakistan

In 1998, Foreign secretary Shamshad Ahmad that "Pakistan's policy implies that it will not only use nuclear weapons in a retaliatory strike, it is also ready to take the lead and use nuclear weapons first to counter Indian conventional aggression.".

Selwyn Lloyd

While Foreign Secretary he was noted for not being on particularly good terms with his American counterpart, Secretary of State John Foster Dulles.

Stafford Northcote, 1st Earl of Iddesleigh

He served as Chancellor of the Exchequer between 1874 and 1880 and as Foreign Secretary between 1885 and 1886, and was one of only two people to hold the office of First Lord of the Treasury without being Prime Minister.

Stuart Wheeler

In January 2008, Wheeler brought an action against the government, represented by the Prime Minister, Gordon Brown, and the Foreign Secretary, David Miliband, over the government's process of ratification of the Treaty of Lisbon.

Viscount Templewood

It was created in 1944 for the Conservative politician and former Foreign Secretary and Home Secretary, Sir Samuel Hoare, 2nd Baronet.

Western Desert Campaign

Foreign Secretary Anthony Eden, paraphrasing Churchill, quipped "Never has so much been surrendered by so many to so few."

Y. D. Gundevia

Yezdezard Dinshaw Gundevia (1908-1986) was an Indian ICS officer, diplomat and Foreign Secretary under Jawaharlal Nehru and Lal Bahadur Shastri.

Zionist Federation of Great Britain and Ireland

In 1917, the British Foreign Secretary Arthur James Balfour communicated the Balfour Declaration to the leader of United Kingdom's Jewish community Lord Rothschild for transmission to the Zionist Federation.

see also

1904 in Afghanistan

The treatment is entirely successful, and the amir's pleasure at this is possibly helpful in paving the way for the despatch of the special mission under Louis Dane, the Indian foreign secretary, which leaves Peshawar on November 26 and reaches Kabul on December 12.

1996 in Afghanistan

Taliban officials met with Pakistani Foreign Secretary Najmuddin ShaikhThe subject discussed as during Mr. Shaikh's meeting with Dostum and Dr. Abdullah in Mazar Sharif a day earlier was the working out of ceasefire arrangements between the contending factions in Afghanistan and suggesting talks with the Northern Alliance for the formation of a coalition government

Admiralty Mountains

Discovered on January 11, 1841 by Captain James Ross, Royal Navy, who named this feature for Lieutenant Colonel Edward Sabine of the Royal Artillery, Foreign Secretary of the Royal Society, one of the most active supporters of the expedition.

Alfredo Chiaradía

The acrimonious, June 2010 departure of Foreign Secretary Jorge Taiana prompted Chiaradía to resign, though he was reportedly persuaded against leaving his post by Taiana's successor, Héctor Timerman; this development, as well as the support enjoyed by Chiaradía's deputy at the trade bureau, Luis Kreckler, from Planning Minister Julio de Vido, led to Kreckler's appointment as Secretary of Trade, and to Chiaradía's succeeding Timerman as Argentine Ambassador to the United States.

Alicia Castro

On 30 April 2012 she publicly confronted Foreign Secretary William Hague on the matter at the launch of the Foreign Office's annual human rights report.

Bahrain Independent Commission of Inquiry

UK Foreign Secretary William Hague welcomed the report and urged “all opposition groups to act on the report’s recommendations, demonstrating their commitment to reconciliation and contributing to the process of renewal”.

Bernardo Sepúlveda

Bernardo Sepúlveda Amor (b. 1941), Mexican diplomat, foreign secretary, judge of the International Court of Justice

Bryan Cartledge

He was inspired to become a diplomat after being invited to assist the former British prime minister and foreign secretary Sir Anthony Eden with his memoirs.

Chitrabon Hazarika

On Sunday night, November 1, 2009, some unidentified gunman took Hazarika, along with the group’s foreign secretary Sashadhar Choudhury away from a house in sector 3 of Uttara in Dhaka.

Congress of Troppau

Therefore she sent no plenipotentiary, but was represented by Lord Stewart, ambassador in Vienna and the half-brother of the Foreign Secretary at the time, Viscount Castlereagh.

Conservative Friends of Russia

It was founded by public affairs consultant Richard Royal and had several notable Parliamentarians on its board, including former Defence and Foreign Secretary Sir Malcolm Rifkind as its Honorary President, and John Whittingdale MP, Andrew Rosindell MP, Nigel Evans MP, and Robert Buckland MP among its Honorary Vice Presidents.

Cyprus–United Kingdom relations

An agreement to lift the restrictions in developing properties within the British bases areas was signed in London between Foreign Minister of Cyprus Ioannis Kasoulides and Foreign Secretary William Hague at Carlton House in the presence of President Nicos Anastasiades.

Edward Goschen

He was later to recall that his only instructions from the Foreign Secretary Lord Salisbury was to "keep an eye on King Milan".

For Fatherland and Freedom/LNNK

In 2009, British foreign secretary David Miliband has criticized Conservative Chairman Eric Pickles' decision to secure an alliance with TB/LNNK in the ECR group "despite the fact that its members attend commemorations for the Waffen-SS".

George Bugliarello

At the time of his death, Dr. Bugliarello was serving his second four-year term as Foreign Secretary of the National Academy of Engineering, of which he had been a member since 1987.

George Curzon

George Curzon, 1st Marquess Curzon of Kedleston (1859–1925), former Viceroy of India and British Foreign Secretary

Herbert S. Okun

After retiring from the foreign service, he served as chief aide to former Secretary of State Cyrus Vance and former British Foreign Secretary Lord David Owen in the talks to end the slaughter resulting from the break-up of Yugoslavia.

House Grey Memorandum

The House-Grey Memorandum was a memorandum prepared by President of the United States Woodrow Wilson's diplomatic emissary to Europe, "Colonel" Edward House, and the British Foreign Secretary, Sir Edward Grey.

India–Portugal relations

Foreign secretary Alec Douglas-Home made it absolutely clear that the NATO alliance did not extend to Portuguese entanglements overseas, and that they should not expect anything more than a mediating role.

Islamic Supreme Council of America

According to an unidentified blogger of the weblog "Sufi Muslim Council Exposed", in 2005 Kabbani told UK Foreign Secretary Jack Straw: “We are glad to see changes taking place in the political mechanisms in the Middle East. We hope to see an end to tyranny and we are happy to observe a strong upsurge in freedom of speech, freedom of belief and political openness in the region.”

James Gascoyne-Cecil, 4th Marquess of Salisbury

The delegation was led by Sir Austen Chamberlain, a former Foreign Secretary and its most prominent speakers included Winston Churchill, Leo Amery and Roger Keyes.

James Lonsdale-Bryans

When Winston Churchill succeeded Chamberlain as Prime Minister, Lord Halifax remained as Foreign Secretary until, in January 1941, he was sent to Washington as British Ambassador.

James Thomason

He held numerous positions there, including magistrate-collector and settlement officer in Azamgarh (1832–37) and foreign secretary to the government of India (1842–43).

Jim Cousins

As a key ally of the then Shadow Foreign Secretary Robin Cook, Cousins was still hopeful of a ministerial job when Labour won the election in 1997, but his hopes were dashed and instead he became an influential member of the backbench Treasury Select Committee.

John Maples, Baron Maples

When Shadow Foreign Secretary he was caught apparently calling for Britain to help Vladimir Putin in the Second Chechen War.

John Ward, 1st Viscount Dudley and Ward

His son from his second marriage, William (who succeeded in the viscountcy in 1788), was the father of John Ward, 1st Earl of Dudley, Foreign Secretary from 1827 to 1828.

Jorge Castañeda

Jorge Castañeda Gutman, Mexican foreign secretary 2000–03, son of the above

Klin, Klinsky District, Moscow Oblast

A short time later on 19 December the British Foreign Secretary Anthony Eden and the Soviet ambassador to Great Britain I. M. Maysky visited the town with more than twenty correspondents during Eden's first diplomatic mission to Moscow.

Lawson Army Airfield

Benning had many distinguished visitors during the war including Gen. George C. Marshall, Gen. Hap Arnold, Lord Louis Mountbatten and Anthony Eden, the British Foreign Secretary.

Mahmoud Jibril

He also met with UK Foreign Secretary William Hague and then-U.S. Ambassador to Libya Gene Cretz, successfully persuading them to publicly back the NTC.

Mark Weisbrot

Weisbrot's work on Latin American countries (including Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Ecuador and Venezuela) has attracted national and international attention, and in 2008 was cited by Brazilian Foreign Secretary Celso Amorim.


British Foreign Secretary William Hague stated that British military will assist the deployment of French military equipment to the Central African Republic, with one of the first flights arriving "shortly" on Bangui.

Najmuddin Shaikh

He then served as Foreign Secretary from 1994 to 1997, later replaced by Shamshad Ahmad.

Operation Hametz

British Foreign Secretary Ernest Bevin, upon hearing the news of the start of the offensive, ordered that Jewish forces be prevented from capturing Jaffa, or, if they did capture it, to be immediately driven out.

Operation Journeyman

The foreign secretary at the time David Owen later claimed that if Margaret Thatcher's government had taken similarly quick action five years later, the Argentinians would not have invaded in 1982 leading to the Falklands War.

Pergau Dam

At the insistence of Margaret Thatcher and with the support of her Foreign Secretary Douglas Hurd, the excessively costly dam was financed with the money of British taxpayers in order to secure a major arms deal, despite objections raised by civil servants in the British Foreign Office.

Philippines–Poland relations

A number of high-ranking officials of the Philippine government have visited Poland, most recently in 2008 with the visit of Foreign Secretary Alberto Romulo.

Politics of the Turks and Caicos Islands

On 12 June 2012, British Foreign Secretary William Hague announced to the House of Commons in London that sufficient progress had been made towards the milestones that elections would be held in the Turks and Caicos Islands on 9 November.

Robert Plumer Ward

This work related to the Second League of Armed Neutrality 1800–1 and was undertaken at Lord Grenville's request, as Foreign Secretary, to represent the rights of belligerents from the British point of view.

Senator, you're no Jack Kennedy

In October 2012, at the UK Conservative Party Conference in Birmingham, Foreign Secretary William Hague made a response to a speech that Labour leader Ed Miliband had given at his own party conference in the previous week, in which Miliband compared his party with Benjamin Disraeli's One Nation Conservatism ideology.

Sir Anthony Rumbold, 10th Baronet

When Churchill resigned and Eden became Prime Minister in April 1955, Rumbold remained for a few months as PPS to the new Foreign Secretary, Harold Macmillan, accompanying him to San Francisco in June 1955 for talks between the Foreign Ministers of the United States, Britain, France and Russia in preparation for the Geneva Summit in the following month.

Temple Grove school

Among former alumni of Temple Grove are a foreign secretary, Viscount Grey of Fallodon; the explorer Pen Hadow; and the archaeologist and landscape historian Francis Pryor.

Three-Self Patriotic Movement

The three principles of self-governance, self-support (i.e., financial independence from foreigners) and self-propagation (i.e., indigenous missionary work) were first articulated by Henry Venn, General Secretary of the Church Missionary Society from 1841–73, and Rufus Anderson, foreign secretary of the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions.

Treaty of Akhal

The immobilized Nasereddin Shah sent foreign secretary Mirza Sa'eed Khan Mo'tamen ol-Mulk to meet Ivan Zinoviev and sign a treaty in Tehran.

Vyacheslav Molotov

In January 1941, the British Foreign Secretary Anthony Eden visited Turkey in an attempt to get the Turks to enter the war on the Allies' side.