
2 unusual facts about Foreknowledge


Prophecy - Religious concept of divine knowledge, often with a consideration of future trends or events, and to some degree regarding events of an imminent, or divinely planned nature.

Prediction - Informed or uninformed guesses regarding future events


Donald Logan

He said much later that he was also present at the House of Commons on 20 December 1956 and was the only person there who knew that the Prime Minister, Anthony Eden, lied to the House about Britain's foreknowledge of Israel's attack on Egypt.

Ernest Hilgard

But God is there, and your Daemon is there (Epictetus, 1998/2nd century, 14:11) The belief was that the Daemon had foreknowledge of future circumstances and events and as such could warn its Eidolon of the dangers.

Luis de Molina

The omniscient God, by means of His scientia media (the phrase is Molina's invention, though the idea is also to be found in his older contemporary Fonseca), or power of knowing future contingent events, foresees how we shall employ our own free-will and treat his proffered grace, and upon this foreknowledge he can found his predestinating decrees.

Stefan Tytus DÄ…browski

  DÄ…browski had foreknowledge of events in 1939, and spent the duration of the war in many localities hiding from the Gestapo, Nazi Germany's secret police.

see also