It is owned and operated by the Church of Scientology Flag Service Organization, Inc., a subsidiary of the Church of Scientology International.
In 1997, Clearwater police received over 160 emergency calls from the Fort Harrison Hotel, but they were denied entry into the hotel by Scientology security.
Fort Worth, Texas | Fort Worth | George Harrison | Fort Wayne, Indiana | Benjamin Harrison | Harrison Ford | Fort Sill | Fort Bliss | Fort Leavenworth | Fort Bragg | Fort Benning | Fort William | Fort Lauderdale, Florida | hotel | fort | William Henry Harrison | Savoy Hotel | Lou Harrison | Fort Smith, Arkansas | Fort Bragg (North Carolina) | Hotel | Red Fort | Fort Sumter | Fort Lee, New Jersey | Fort Knox | Harrison | Fort Wayne | Fort Monroe | Fort Drum | Fort Stockton, Texas |
Church parishioner Lisa McPherson had a car accident in Clearwater, Florida on 18 November 1995, while studying at Scientology headquarters.
R. E. Olds sells holdings in Oldsmar and buys Fort Harrison Hotel.