The 37th Infantry Regiment established "Sidney Station" at a point midway between the Platte Rivers, where the modern community of Sidney, Nebraska, now stands.
Fort Worth, Texas | Fort Worth | Fort Wayne, Indiana | Fort Sill | Fort Bliss | Fort Leavenworth | Fort Bragg | Fort Benning | Fort William | Sidney Poitier | Fort Lauderdale, Florida | fort | Sidney Lumet | Fort Smith, Arkansas | Fort Bragg (North Carolina) | Red Fort | Fort Sumter | Fort Lee, New Jersey | Fort Knox | Sidney Nolan | Fort Wayne | Fort Monroe | Fort Drum | Fort Stockton, Texas | Fort Smith | Fort Sam Houston | Fort Myers, Florida | Sidney Bechet | Fort Worth Star-Telegram | Fort Vancouver |
The Sidney Black Hills Stage Road or Route was a trail connecting Sidney, Nebraska, Sidney Barracks, and the Union Pacific Railroad with Fort Robinson, Red Cloud Agency, Spotted Tail Agency, Custer City, Dakota Territory, and Deadwood, Dakota Territory between 1876 and 1887, when it was replaced