In the television series One Tree Hill episode "You've Dug Your Own Grave, Now Lie In It", James Lafferty's character Nathan Scott receives an offer to coach the team.
The winning name of Mad Ants was announced June 18, 2007, chosen as a salute to the city's and fort's namesake, General "Mad" Anthony Wayne.
Fort Worth, Texas | John Wayne | Fort Worth | Fort Wayne, Indiana | Wayne State University | Fort Sill | Fort Bliss | Lil Wayne | Fort Leavenworth | Fort Bragg | Fort Benning | Wayne | Mad Men | Wayne County, Michigan | Fort William | Wayne Shorter | Fort Lauderdale, Florida | Wayne Rooney | Wayne County | Mad Max | Wayne Gretzky | Fountains of Wayne | fort | Fort Smith, Arkansas | Fort Bragg (North Carolina) | Red Fort | Fort Sumter | Fort Lee, New Jersey | Fort Knox | Anthony Wayne |