Fortean authors and paranormal enthusiasts believe the area to be a locus of UFO sightings, Satanic cult activity, deaths, and lost or sick pets.
The Fortean Bureau focused on publishing speculative Fortean fiction and literary weird fiction.
In 1948, Palmer and Curtis Fuller co-founded Fate, which covered divination methods, Fortean events, belief in the survival of personality after death, predictive dreams, accounts of ghosts, mental telepathy, archaeology, flying saucer sightings, cryptozoology, alternative medicine, warnings of death, and other paranormal topics, many contributed by readers.
Fortean Times | Fortean |
Chorvinsky researched and wrote about a broad array of fortean topics, from phantom dogs and the alien qualities of Venus Flytraps, to sightings of the grim reaper, the Loch Ness Monster and mysterious blobs.
DeFord is mentioned in Fort's book Lo! Shortly before her death in 1975, Fortean writer Loren Coleman visited Ms. deFord frequently and interviewed her about her earlier interactions with Fort and her trips to Chico, California, to investigate the case of a poltergeist rock-thrower on Fort's behalf.
DeFord was also a passionate Fortean, a follower of Charles Fort, and did fieldwork for him.
Sieveking was introduced to FT-founder Bob Rickard by mutual friend Ion Will in 1978, some five years and more than 25 issues after it was first self-published as The News in 1973, before becoming Fortean Times in 1976.