
3 unusual facts about Forza Italia

Additional Member System

In the case of Forza Italia (part of the House of Freedoms), the tactic was so successful that it did not have enough candidates in the proportional part to receive as many seats as it in fact won, missing out on 12 seats.

European Commissioner for Transport

Being head of the Forza Italia delegation in Europe, on 8 May 2008 he was appointed by the newly elected Italian prime minister, Silvio Berlusconi, as Italy's EU Commissioner.


Formigoniani refers to the faction around Roberto Formigoni, a leading member of Forza Italia, a political party in Italy.

Active measures

The Italian Mitrokhin Commission, headed by senator Paolo Guzzanti (Forza Italia), worked on the Mitrokhin Archives from 2003 to March 2006.

Administer Trentino

The party was formed in 2008 as a split from Forza Italia by Nerio Giovanazzi, a long-time politician who had been previously a member of Christian Democracy and the Italian People's Party.

Alliance for Europe of the Nations

Also, National Alliance, which despite its post-fascist background was a moderate national-conservative party strongly promoting European integration, grew uncomfortable with AEN and left it for the European People's Party by merging with Forza Italia to form The People of Freedom party on 27 March 2009.

Christian Democracy for Autonomies

DCA was founded on 25 October 2004 by a split from the Union of Christian and Centre Democrats (UDC) led by Gianfranco Rotondi, who wanted closer ties with Silvio Berlusconi's Forza Italia and who criticized the political line of the then leader of UDC Marco Follini.

Communion and Liberation

Since then, the movement has been highly supportive of Silvio Berlusconi, first under the umbrella of a small party called The United Christian Democrats, then (after 1998) directly within Forza Italia, later revamped into the People of Freedom.

Federalists and Liberal Democrats

The party was founded on 16 December 1994 as a parliamentary group in the Chamber of Deputies by twelve dissident members of Lega Nord, four members of Forza Italia, two members of the Liberal Democratic Foundation, Raffaele Costa (leader of the Union of the Centre and Minister of Health) and Pietro Cerullo (representative of the Southern Action League).

Friends of Israel Initiative

They include Republican Party former United States Ambassador to the United Nations John Bolton, Forza Italia's former President of the Italian Senate Marcello Pera, former President of Czech Republic Václav Havel, Peru’s former President Alejandro Toledo, and billionaire financier, Robert Agostinelli and British Conservative Party peer, former First Minister of Northern Ireland and Nobel Peace Prize winner David Trimble.

Lucio Colletti

From 1996 until his death he was elected in the list of Forza Italia, Silvio Berlusconi's rightwing political party, in the Italian parliament.

Mariastella Gelmini

Member of the Forza Italia political movement of Silvio Berlusconi since its foundation in 1994, during the same year she became chairperson of the "Azzurri" club in Desenzano del Garda settling the first representation of Forza Italia in the Province of Brescia.

Patto Segni

The group around Alberto Michelini and Giulio Tremonti, for instance, founded the Liberal Democratic Foundation and decided to support the Berlusconi I Cabinet (Tremonti even became Finance Minister); by the 1996 they had joined Forza Italia.

Piedmontese regional election, 1995

Enzo Ghigo (Forza Italia) was surprisingly elected President of the Region, defeating Giuseppe Pichetto (independent of The Olive Tree) and Domenico Comino (Lega Nord Piemont).

Politics of Sicily

After the dissolution of these parties, the region was governed always by center-right coalition including Silvio Berlusconi's party Forza Italia and the Christian-conservative party Union of Christian and Centre Democrats, from which was President Salvatore Cuffaro.

Republicans, Liberals, Reformers

The two Republican members of the Chamber of Deputies (Giorgio La Malfa and Francesco Nucara, both elected on Forza Italia's list) formed a component in the Mixed Group named "Republicans, Liberals, Reformers" along with Giovanni Ricevuto, a former member of the New Italian Socialist Party (NPSI).

Sabina Guzzanti

Born in Rome as the eldest daughter of celebrated Italian political commentator and journalist Paolo Guzzanti (former senator of Forza Italia, incumbent deputy and deputy secretary for Italian liberal party), she graduated from the Academy of Dramatic Arts of Rome.

Venetian regional election, 1995

Giancarlo Galan (Forza Italia, Pole of Freedoms) was surprisingly elected President of the Region over the centre-left candidate Ettore Bentsik (Italian People's Party), despite the presence of a third candidate, Alberto Lembo (Liga Veneta).

Venetian regional election, 2000

Giancarlo Galan (Forza Italia, House of Freedoms) was re-elected for the third time President of the Region by a landslide over the centre-left candidate Massimo Cacciari (The Democrats).

Venetian regional election, 2005

Giancarlo Galan (Forza Italia, House of Freedoms) was re-elected for the third time in a row President of the Region, but the support for him was diminished by the presence of a third candidate, Giorgio Panto, who picked votes both from the centre-right and the Venetist camps, and of a fourth candidate representing the far right, Roberto Bussinello.

see also


Gianni Letta (born 1935), an Italian politician and member of Forza Italia

Liberal-Popular Union

The "Manifesto for a Good Politics" (Manifesto per una buona politica) was signed by most Christian democrats of Forza Italia, including Claudio Azzolini, Maria Burani, Cesare Campa, Giuseppe Cossiga, Maurizio Lupi, Adriano Paroli, Roberto Rosso and Gustavo Selva, and also by Maurizio Sacconi, a former Socialist.

Venetian regional election, 1995

After the election, Giancarlo Galan formed his first government, while Amalia Sartori (Forza Italia) was elected President of the Regional Council.

Venetian regional election, 2005

Also the post of Vice President of Veneto went to a lighista, Luca Zaia, in place of Fabio Gava (Forza Italia), who had been also Minister of Health in second term.