
unusual facts about Fractal


In 1990 Tummyrub was one of the first to produce and compose music with Fractal geometry software, known as Fractal Music which are Algorithmic compositions.


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Computational visualistics

The well-known fractal images (e.g., of the Mandelbrot set) form a borderline case of information visualization since an abstract mathematical property has been visualized.


M. Gardner Fractal Music, Hypercards, and More: Mathematical Recreations, Scientific American Magazine.


Scott Draves, inventor of Fractal Flames, video artist, and VJ (video performance artist).

Dyadic transformation

These are given by the Hurwitz zeta function; equivalently, linear combinations of the Hurwitz zeta give fractal, differentiable-nowhere eigenfunctions, including the Takagi function.

Fractal cosmology

They acknowledge the contributions of people like Emanuel Swedenborg, Edmund Fournier D'Albe, Carl Charlier, and Knut Lundmark to the subject of cosmology and a fractal-like interpretation, or explanation thereof.

Gutenberg–Richter law

Pathikrit Bhattacharya, Bikas K Chakrabarti, Kamal, and Debashis Samanta, "Fractal models of earthquake dynamics", Heinz Georg Schuster (ed), Reviews of Nonlinear Dynamics and Complexity, pp.


A large Mandelbrot fractal, known as the "Screaming Mandy" that blinks in all colours and screams when you shoot it.

Metric dimension

Minkowski–Bouligand dimension (also called the metric dimension), a way of determining the dimension of a fractal set in a Euclidean space by counting the number of fixed-size boxes needed to cover the set as a function of the box size


MojoWorld Generator is a fractal landscape generator created by Pandromeda, Inc.


Fripp then developed the idea of "fraKctals": multiple different subsets of the band working separately as a way of developing new material for King Crimson, the band having been at something of a compositional impasse.

Rolf Wallin

Wallin’s music combines an intuitive freedom with a rigorous mathematical approach, such as use of fractal algorithms to construct melody and harmony, resulting in a music that often hints at the influence of Ligeti, Xenakis and Berio.

Self-organized criticality

Bak, Tang and Wiesenfeld's 1987 paper linked together these factors: a simple cellular automaton was shown to produce several characteristic features observed in natural complexity (fractal geometry, 1/f noise and power laws) in a way that could be linked to critical-point phenomena.

Sergio Missana

He has published articles and reviews in PRL (U.S.), Fractal (Mexico), Literal Magazine (U.S.), La Tercera (Chile), Planet (U.S.), Pausa Magazine of the National Council of Culture and the Arts (Chile), Paula (Chile) and Rock & Pop (Chile), among other publications.

The Beauty of Fractals

The Beauty of Fractals is a 1986 book by Heinz-Otto Peitgen and Peter Richter which publicises the fields of complex dynamics, chaos theory and the concept of fractals.


BBC Radio 1 and BBC Radio Oxford featured Tummyrub in 2 shows dedicated to Fractal Music in 1991 and they also appeared in the press; Computer music magazine April 1991, Music Technology magazine July 1991 and The Independent May 1991.


Wavelet transform modulus maxima method, a method for detecting fractal dimension of a signal or time-series

see also