
5 unusual facts about Franco Moretti

Cultural analytics

Most recently, Franco Moretti's Graphs, maps, trees: abstract models for a literary history.

Sociological criticism

In Franco Moretti's article "The Dialectic of Fear", he addresses the methods by which Mary Shelley and Bram Stoker highlight the problems and inconsistencies within their societies through their respective novels Frankenstein, and Dracula.

Sociology of literature

Franco Moretti, (1998) Atlas of the European Novel 1800-1900, London: Verso.

Lukács was an important influence on Lucien Goldmann's Towards a Sociology of the Novel, Alan Swingewood's discussion of the sociology of the novel in Part 3 of Laurenson and Swingewood's The Sociology of Literature and Franco Moretti's Signs Taken for Wonders.

Franco Moretti, (1988) Signs Taken For Wonders: Essays in the Sociology of Literary Forms, second edition, trans.

see also