
5 unusual facts about Franeker


From 1585 to 1811, the city housed the University of Franeker, which was the second university in the Netherlands.

Hans Svane

At Copenhagen Svane devoted himself to the study of Oriental languages, and between 1628 and 1635 completed his education abroad, at Franeker in Friesland, Wittenberg, Oxford and Paris.

Henricus Aeneae

The son, on the advice of the rector of the Latin schools, added a Latin ending to his name and called himself from then on Aeneae, was initially prepared to become a teacher, visiting the Latin schools in Leeuwarden and the college of Franeker.

Johann Gottlieb Heineccius

He subsequently filled legal chairs at Franeker in Holland and at Frankfurt, but finally returned to Halle in 1733 as professor of philosophy and jurisprudence.

The Dutch House

It was a close copy of the Stadhuis (Town Hall) in Franeker, Netherlands.

Frisian Islands

At the Frisian Peins (in the municipality Franeker), a 40-meter section of dike has been discovered that is thought to date from the 1st or 2nd century BCE.

Jacob Gijsbertus Samuël van Breda

At Franeker he became close personal friends with one of the curators, the Dutch lawyer, administrator and politician Squire Adriaan Gillis Camper, himself the son of professor of anatomy Petrus Camper.

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