L. Frank Baum (1856–1919), American author of children's books, notably The Wonderful Wizard of Oz
Frank Joslyn Baum (1883–1958), American lawyer, soldier, writer, and film producer; son of the author L. Frank Baum
Frank Sinatra | Frank Zappa | Frank Lloyd Wright | Frank Capra | Frank Gehry | L. Frank Baum | Frank Stella | Frank | Frank Herbert | Frank Wedekind | Anne Frank | Frank Loesser | Frank Langella | Frank Whittle | Frank Keating | Frank Lautenberg | Frank McCourt | Frank Vincent | Frank Evershed | Frank Bruno | Frank Thomas | Frank Rich | Frank Ocean | Frank Morgan | Frank Lampard | Frank Gifford | Barney Frank | Waldo Frank | Frank Urso | Frank Paschek |
Oz Days at the former Land of Oz theme park on Beech Mountain in the fall also attracts visitors who love the legacy of the famous Judy Garland movie "The Wizard of Oz" based on Frank Baum's famous book.
-- *Robert Wauchope (writer), co-writer of Invisible Inzi of Oz, with his sister, Virginia Wauchope (later Bass), allegedly channeled from L. Frank Baum via Ouija board.
Tin Woodman, a character in the fictional Land of Oz created by American author L. Frank Baum