In 1943 he commissioned Gwen Meredith to write a radio serial to be a feature of the Country Hour, with the remit of providing agricultural information along with entertainment, expressly to consult with the NSW Agricultural Department and the ABC Rural Department.
But rivals and opponents such as Leslie Rees and Lawrence H Cecil were developing influence within the organization.
Frank Sinatra | Frank Zappa | Frank Lloyd Wright | Frank Capra | Frank Gehry | L. Frank Baum | Frank Stella | Frank | Frank Herbert | Frank Wedekind | Anne Frank | Frank Loesser | Frank Langella | Frank Whittle | Frank Keating | Frank Lautenberg | Frank McCourt | Frank Vincent | Frank Evershed | Frank Bruno | Frank Thomas | Frank Rich | Frank Ocean | Frank Morgan | Frank Lampard | Frank Gifford | Barney Frank | Waldo Frank | Frank Urso | Frank Paschek |
Introduced by Peter Finch to ABC Federal Controller of Productions Frank Clewlow, who was recruiting staff for the newly reconstituted Argonauts Club and its companion program "The Children's Session", he was immediately put to work developing the on-air characters of 'Mac', 'Joe' and 'Elizabeth', and concocting humorous vignettes to brighten up the show.