
5 unusual facts about Frank Swettenham

Edward Tyas Cook

In 1915 he became joint director of the official Press Bureau along with Sir Frank Swettenham.

Frank Swettenham

He was a member of the Commission for the Pacification of Larut set up following the signing of the Pangkor Treaty of 1874 and he served alongside John Frederick Adolphus McNair, and Chinese Kapitan Chung Keng Quee and Chin Seng Yam.

Swettenham was a British colonial official in British Malaya, who was famous as highly influential in shaping British policy and the structure of British administration in the Malay Peninsula.

He also published four books "Malay Sketches", "Unaddressed Letters", "Also & Perhaps" and "Arabella in Africa", the latter being illustrated by the famous mural painter and illustrator, Rex Whistler.

Masjid Jalan Paloh, Ipoh

Located at Jalan Datoh, it was built in 1912 by Wan Muhammad Saleh, superintendent of Penghulus and assistant collector of Land Revenue during the Frank Swettenham administration.

Commission for the Pacification of Larut

The members of the Pacification Commission included Captain Samuel Dunlop, Frank Swettenham, William A. Pickering, John Frederick Adolphus McNair, Chung Keng Quee and Chin Seng Yam.

Victoria Bridge, Malaysia

The bridge was officially opened by the late Almarhum Sultan Idris Shah I of Perak and the British's Federated Malay States Residents-General Sir Frank Swettenham.

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