The Wheaton, Maryland, section of the Wheaton/Glenmont division of the unincorporated township of Silver Spring, Maryland, just northwest of Washington, D.C., is named for him, as is the Wheaton High School, a school in the Down County Consortium of the Montgomery County Public School system of Montgomery County, Maryland.
Frank Sinatra | Frank Zappa | Frank Lloyd Wright | Frank Capra | Frank Gehry | L. Frank Baum | Frank Stella | Frank | Frank Herbert | Frank Wedekind | Anne Frank | Frank Loesser | Frank Langella | Frank Whittle | Wil Wheaton | Frank Keating | Wheaton | Frank Lautenberg | Wheaton, Illinois | Frank McCourt | Frank Vincent | Frank Evershed | Frank Bruno | Frank Thomas | Frank Rich | Frank Ocean | Frank Morgan | Frank Lampard | Frank Gifford | Barney Frank |
The school is named for the Wheaton area, which is in turn named for Frank Wheaton (1833-1903), a career officer in the Union Army who rose to the rank of major-general while serving before, during, and after the Civil War.