
unusual facts about Frankie Vaughan

Gladys Morgan

Morgan's success on Welsh Rarebit led to many successful variety tours around all the major theatres in the UK, including supporting Frankie Vaughan at the London Palladium in 1961.

Jean Metcalfe

Self-effacing and gently spoken, she pioneered the art of interviewing stars in their own homes, including the wartime 'forces sweetheart' singer Vera Lynn, the irascible television personality Gilbert Harding, the song and dance man Frankie Vaughan and the stiff-upper-lipped film actor Kenneth More.


Thus its past and present residents include the rich and famous, such as Arsène Wenger, Frankie Vaughan, Des O'Connor, Cliff Richard, Mickie Most, Hank Marvin, David Dein and many top footballers.

see also