He served as a Preventive Medicine Officer in the US Army's 7th Infantry Division in Korea and Fort Monmouth, New Jersey.
Bass was outspoken in his opposition to the expansion of gambling and to excessive expenditures for rapid transit by a faction of his party under the leadership of Mayor Larry Campbell.
Bass, concerned about global warming, entered electoral politics in 1996 as a candidate for Vancouver's civic Green Party under the leadership of Paul Watson but was defeated by a wide margin.
bass guitar | bass | Fred Astaire | Bass Strait | Bass guitar | Fred Frith | double bass | Fred Quimby | Fred Thompson | Fred Beckey | Fred MacMurray | Fred Willard | Drum and bass | Bass | drum and bass | Fred Hersch | Fred | Fred Seibert | Fred R. Harris | Fred Olen Ray | Fred Neil | Fred Hoyle | Fred Flintstone | Fred Couples | Double bass | Bomb the Bass | Fred Noonan | Fred Wilson | Fred Upton | Fred Rogers |