
2 unusual facts about Frederick Christian

Dresden Academy of Fine Arts

In 1764, the “Allgemeine Kunst-Academie der Malerey, Bildhauer-Kunst, Kupferstecher- und Baukunst” (General Academy of Arts for Painting, Sculpture, Copperplate Engraving and Architecture) was founded by order of the Prince-Elector Frederick Christian.

Frederick Christian, Margrave of Brandenburg-Bayreuth

before= Frederick

Georg Albrecht, Margrave of Brandenburg-Bayreuth-Kulmbach

But the son and successor of Georg Frederick Karl, Frederick, also died without male descendants in 1763, and the youngest Georg Albrecht's grandson, Frederick Christian, became the last Margrave of the Younger line of Brandenburg-Bayreuth.

see also

Alexius Frederick Christian, Duke of Anhalt-Bernburg

The territories of Anhalt-Bernburg were augmented one year later with the formal division of Anhalt-Zerbst in 1797; Alexius Frederick Christian received the towns of Coswig and Mühlingen, which represented 1/3 of the defunct principality.

Frederick Christian I, Duke of Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Augustenburg

In 1754, his father died and Frederick Christian inherited Augustenborg Castle and Gråsten.