
unusual facts about Frederick William IV

Danzig Research Society

In 1840 Alexander von Humboldt accompanied Prussian King Frederick William IV on the way to Königsberg, and Humboldt received an honorary membership in the Society.

Kingdom of Prussia

As a consequence of the Revolutions of 1848, King Frederick William IV was offered the crown of a united Germany by the Frankfurt Parliament.

Pontifical Academy of Archaeology

The Academy's foreign members and lecturers included Niebuhr, Akerblad, Thorwaldsen, as well as sovereigns, Frederick William IV of Prussia and Charles Albert of Sardinia.

Sanssouci at the time of Frederick William IV

Sanssouci at the time of Frederick William IV covers the period almost one hundred years after the palace's construction, when a King who was convinced of the divine right of his crown and of the absolute claim to power of the ruler came to the Prussian throne.

see also