
2 unusual facts about Frederik Pohl

12284 Pohl

At the suggestion of fellow science fiction writer David Brin, the asteroid was named for Frederik Pohl.

S/V Rembrandt van Rijn

American science fiction writer Frederik Pohl dedicated his 1997 book The Siege to Eternity to his shipmates on Rembrandt van Rijn.

Ian Ballantine

Ballantine Books was one of the earliest publishers of science fiction paperback originals, with writers including Arthur C. Clarke and Frederik Pohl.

Richard A. Lupoff

The roster of contributors included such names as Dan Adkins, James Blish, Lin Carter, Avram Davidson, L. Sprague de Camp, Roger Ebert (then 19 years of age), Harlan Ellison, Ed Gorman, Eddie Jones, Roy G. Krenkel, Frederik Pohl and Bob Tucker.

Written works of L. Ron Hubbard

Frederik Pohl said, "I read 'Battlefield Earth' straight through in one sitting although it's immense... I was fascinated by it." Kevin J. Anderson says, "Battlefield Earth is like a 12-hour 'Indiana Jones' marathon. Non-stop and fast-paced. Every chapter has a big bang-up adventure."

see also

Beyond the Farthest Star

Farthest Star, a 1975 novel by Frederik Pohl, in collaboration with Jack Williamson