
2 unusual facts about Free Syrian Army

Ali Hussein Nassif

Nassif was the designated commander of all Hezbollah fighters in Syria during the Syrian civil war until his death on 1 October 2012 at the hands of the Free Syrian Army.

Bremen-class frigate

In 2012 the Rheinland-Pfalz was reportedly used to gather intelligence on Syrian troop movements to be passed to the Free Syrian Army assist in their attacks on the Syrian Army.

Maarrat al-Nu'man

Starting October 8, 2012, the Battle of Maarrat al-Nu'man was fought between the Free Syrian Army and the Syrian Army, causing numerous civilian casualties and severe material damage.

see also

Free Syrian Army operations

At least fifty tanks and other armoured vehicle opened fire with 50 cal. machine guns and anti-aircraft weapons on positions held by the Free Syrian Army on Rastan's outskirts.