
unusual facts about Free association

Free association

Associated state, a type of political relationship that one country may have with another country

see also

Boricua Ahora Es

The Group is represented by their spokesmen Joel Isaac Díaz (free association), Michael González Cruz (independence), Carlos R. Ruiz Cortés (independence) Edwin Pagán (statehood), and led by Ricky Rosselló.

Compact of Free Association

Speakers noted that while section 177 of the Compact of Free Association recognized the United States' responsibility "to address past, present and future consequences of the nuclear testing claims," less than $4 million was awarded out of a $2.2 billion judgement rendered by a Nuclear Claims Tribunal created under the RMI Compact, and the United States Court of Claims had dismissed two lawsuits to enforce the judgement.

New Zealand–United Kingdom relations

The Balfour declaration of 1926 emphasised the equal status of members of the British Empire and their free association in the British Commonwealth, (latterly the Commonwealth of Nations).

Republics in the Commonwealth of Nations

Elizabeth II is still the titular Head of the Commonwealth in a personal capacity, but this role does not carry with it any power, but acts as a symbol of the free association of Commonwealth members.

World Socialist Movement

Socialism is characterized as a stateless, propertyless, post-monetary economy based on calculation in kind, a free association of producers (workplace democracy) and free access to goods and services produced solely for use and not for exchange.