Laurel and Hardy | Thomas Hardy | Françoise Hardy | Oliver Hardy | Jeff Hardy | Hardy | Charles Hardy | The Hardy Boys | Rob Hardy | Matt Hardy | Marieke Hardy | Hardy Krüger | G. H. Hardy | William Hardy McNeill | Thomas Duffus Hardy | The Hardy Boys/Nancy Drew Mysteries | Port Hardy | Paul Hardy | Chorlton-cum-Hardy | Andy Hardy | Shook, Hardy & Bacon | Port Hardy, British Columbia | Love Laughs at Andy Hardy | Jim Hardy | Hardy Trophy | Hardy Myers | Hardy Murfree | Hardy–Littlewood circle method | Hardy Cup | Friedhelm Hillebrand |
Friedhelm Hardy in his "Viraha-bhakti" analyses the history of Krishnaism, specifically all pre-11th-century sources starting with the stories of Krishna and the gopi, and Mayon mysticism of the Vaishnava Tamil saints, Sangam Tamil literature and Alvars' Krishna-centered devotion in the rasa of the emotional union and the dating and history of the Bhagavata Purana.