
2 unusual facts about Fritz Todt

Fritz Sauckel

The use of forced and slave labour increased throughout the war, especially when Albert Speer came to power in 1943 to replace Fritz Todt in charge of armaments production, and he demanded much more labour from Sauckel as a result.

Fritz Todt

In the dystopian parallel universe classic The Man in the High Castle by Philip K Dick Todt is remembered as the man who rebuilt America after the devastation following Nazi victory in World War II.

Erna Lendvai-Dircksen

Under the Third Reich she received state commissions, notably one from Fritz Todt for portraits of autobahn construction workers, originally commissioned for the Schaffendes Volk exhibition of 1937 as part of Todt's effort to have the best photographers in the Reich artistically reproduce the new autobahn.

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