The Battle of Fromelles on 19–20 July 1916 was the first occasion on which the First Australian Imperial Force (AIF) saw action on the Western Front.
After rest and recovery, the regiment moved to the Fromelles sector of the front in mid-October.
The Battle of Fromelles in July 1916 is significant as the first occasion on which the First Australian Imperial Force (AIF) saw action on the Western Front.
In 2008, the Australian Department of Veterans Affairs wants to upgrade seven sites showing the Australian forces during the First World War (Ypres and Passchendaele in Belgium; Fromelles, Bullecourt, Mont-Saint-Quentin, Pozières and Villers-Bretonneux).
V.C. Corner Australian Cemetery and Memorial, 2 kilometres northwest of the village of Fromelles
The Centre has carried out various projects which include the examination of Jacobite battlefields in Scotland (including Culloden) and most recently the investigation of British and Australian mass graves from World War I at Fromelles in France.