
2 unusual facts about Frosolone


There are remnants of cyclopean walls built by the Samnites, locally called "Civitelle." As the name implies, they were likely part of a small fortress destroyed by the Roman Army in 293 BC; the historian Livy describes the march of two Roman armies, headed by Spurius Carvilius Maximus and Lucius Papirius Cursor, which met at the Civitelle.

Imperial Schrade

Felix and Michael Mirando, Empire employees and Italian immigrants from the ironworking town of Frosolone, decided to go into business for themselves in 1916.


Frosolone |

Sant'Elena Sannita

Sant'Elena Sannita borders the following municipalities: Bojano, Casalciprano, Frosolone, Macchiagodena, Spinete.

see also