
unusual facts about Functionalism


Chadwick House

Chadwick house demonstrates the principles of William Morris in its material and structural honesty, awareness of functionalism and site and appreciation of fine craftsmanship.

Enrique del Moral

Some of them are fundamental to understanding firsthand the avant-garde architectural movement in the Twentieth Century and their authors (Le Corbusier, Gropius, Frank Lloyd Wright, Mies van der Rohe, the Bauhaus, De Stijl), as well as the details of functionalism in Mexico.

Enrique del Moral Dominguez (born Irapuato, Guanajuato, January 21, 1905 - died Mexico City, June 11, 1987) was a Mexican architect and an exponent of the functionalism movement, a modernist group that included Mexican artists and architects such as José Villagrán Garcia, Carlos Obregón Santacilia, Juan O'Gorman, Juan Legarreta, Carlos Tarditti, Enrique de la Mora and Enrique Yanez.

European integration

Federalism and Functionalism proposed the containment of the nation-state, while Transactionalism sought to theorise the conditions for the stabilisation of the nation-state system.

One of the most influential theories of European integration is Neo-functionalism, developed by Ernst B. Haas (1958) and further investigated by Leon Lindberg (1963).

The Roads Must Roll

The technicians who maintain the Stockton section of the road have been persuaded by a radical social theory, Functionalism, that their role in maintaining the nation's transport infrastructure is more important than that of any other workers and that they should therefore be in control.

Uvedale Price

As much as The Picturesque was meant to be a middle ground or synthesis of the Beautiful and the Sublime for Price, for Townscape theorists, the Townscape movement was meant to be a middle ground or alternative approach to what were perceived by Hastings as two branches of Functionalism, the Rational (i.e. Le Corbusier) and the Organic (i.e. Frank Lloyd Wright) approaches to architecture and urban design.

Zoltan Istvan

Istvan's controversial philosophical novel The Transhumanist Wager introduces the philosophy TEF (Teleological Egocentric Functionalism), his Three Laws of Transhumanism, and the concept of individuals making a Transhumanist Wager.

see also