
4 unusual facts about Uvedale Price

Uvedale Price

As much as The Picturesque was meant to be a middle ground or synthesis of the Beautiful and the Sublime for Price, for Townscape theorists, the Townscape movement was meant to be a middle ground or alternative approach to what were perceived by Hastings as two branches of Functionalism, the Rational (i.e. Le Corbusier) and the Organic (i.e. Frank Lloyd Wright) approaches to architecture and urban design.

Price republished the Essay several times, with additional material, and entered into a public debate with Humphry Repton over the latter's approach to landscape design.

In practical application this meant that his preferred mode of landscaping was to retain old trees, rutted paths, and textured slopes, rather than to sweep all these away in the style that had been practised by Lancelot "Capability" Brown.

Uvedale Tomkins Price

Uvedale Tomkins Price died at Bath in 1764 and was succeeded at Foxley by his grandson Uvedale Price, writer on the Picturesque.

Sir George Beaumont, 7th Baronet

For their Welsh excursions they rented Benarth, a house near Conwy, where they were visited by Uvedale Price among others.

see also