Charles Frederick Wishart (1870–1960) was a United States Presbyterian churchman who was President of the College of Wooster from 1919 to 1944 and who served as Moderator of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in the United States of America in 1923 at the height of the Fundamentalist–Modernist Controversy.
Throughout his tenure, Bouma opposed liberal and modernist movements in Christianity, and became a key member in the mid-twentieth century development of American evangelicalism.
Super Bowl XXXVIII halftime show controversy | Investiture Controversy | controversy | Alta controversy | Jeremiah Wright controversy | Cleveland Browns relocation controversy | Oakland Ebonics controversy | Modernist poetry | Miss USA 2009 controversy | Marrow Controversy | Jyllands-Posten Muhammad cartoons controversy | Hockey stick controversy | Hindmarsh Island bridge controversy | Whitewater controversy | Three-Chapter Controversy | Stem cell controversy | Rush Limbaugh–Sandra Fluke controversy | Modernist poetry in English | Modernist literature | Kanye West's controversy of Taylor Swift | George W. Bush military service controversy | Fundamentalist–Modernist Controversy | Fundamentalist-Modernist Controversy | Essjay controversy | Engagement controversy | Dismissal of U.S. attorneys controversy | 2010 Itawamba County School District prom controversy | 2007 National Football League videotaping controversy | 2007 Formula One espionage controversy | Zoé's Ark controversy |
The South Carolina operations were to be funded partially by controversial fundamentalist preacher Brother Stair, whose broadcasts would also be carried from the ship.
Aly Hindy is the current Imam of the Salaheddin Islamic Centre in Scarborough, Canada, notable for his alleged connections to militant and fundamentalist elements, as well as his defence of Canadians accused of terrorism.
One of its leading churches is Jarvis Street Baptist Church of Toronto, Ontario, whose well-known pastor of 45 years, Thomas Todhunter Shields (1873–1955), led fundamentalist forces in the Baptist Convention of Ontario and Quebec during the fundamentalist/modernist controversies in the first half of the 20th century.
Thus, many aspiring ministers prefer an evangelical seminary (such as Fuller Theological Seminary, Singapore Bible College, Trinity Theological College, Singapore or University of Nottingham) over the B-P's own seminary, Far Eastern Bible College, which is fundamentalist.
Graduates from Chapel Christian Academy were encouraged to attend Fundamentalist Christian colleges such as Bob Jones University, Pensacola Christian College, also primarily encouraging studies in Teaching, Missions, and Music.
Latter Day Church of Christ, a Mormon fundamentalist denomination based in Utah
There have also been periodic tensions with both mainstream and fundamentalist Christians, who think the religion is aligned with Gnosticism or is a cult, and fault it for departing from traditional Christian doctrine.
He was on his way to what he believed was an interview with the head of the fundamentalist Islamic Jamaat ul-Fuqra group, Sheikh Mubarik ali Gilani.
While government forces aided by NATO troops have managed to keep control of Tehran, fundamentalist rebels have seized control of the oil terminal on Kharg Island and production facilities to the north and Bandar Shahpur.
While Burnside was a dynamic presenter, Ford's biographer Milton Hook describes him as a fundamentalist (see: historic Adventism), and draws an analogy with a rugged, gung-ho cowboy like a John Wayne character.
Their daughter Zeena Schreck was in the media spotlight at age 3, at her Satanic baptism, and again defending the Church of Satan against allegations of Satanic ritual abuse as public representative and High Priestess of the Church of Satan between 1985-1990 during the 1980s Satanic panic, the politically motivated Christian fundamentalist witch-hunts in America.
Faith Baptist School, Michigan, a fundamentalist evangelical Baptist school located in Davison, Michigan, for Kindergarten through 12th grade
In 1910 Morgan contributed an essay entitled The Purposes of the Incarnation to the first volume of The Fundamentals, 90 essays which are widely considered to be the foundation of the modern Fundamentalist movement.
Fosdick became a central figure in the "Fundamentalist-Modernist Controversy" within American Protestantism in the 1920's and 1930's and was one of the most prominent liberal ministers of the early 20th Century.
His upcoming releases, including "404" and "Tasher Desh" have him playing dark and memorable characters, with more films in production including Mira Nair's "The Reluctant Fundamentalist" and Q's "Tasher Desh".
At an anti-Good Friday Agreement protest in Antrim on April 1998 McKee shared a platform with then fellow DUP member Sammy Wilson and Kenneth Peeples, a described leader of the Orange Volunteers and Protestant fundamentalist, who burned a copy of the agreement.
Jacob O. Meyer (1934–2010), founder and directing elder of a small fundamentalist Christian sect
The popular historian Lesley Hazleton wrote a revisionist account, Jezebel, The Untold Story of the Bible's Harlot Queen (2004), that presents Jezebel as a sophisticated queen engaged in mortal combat with the fundamentalist prophet Elijah.
J. Frank Norris (John Franklyn Norris, 1877–1952), American fundamentalist preacher
Under the Banner of Heaven, a history of the LDS and fundamentalist LDS movement by Jon Krakauer
The last seven years before her resignation from the agency in 1979 saw her work there centered on the Middle East; and according to Robert Dreyfuss's 2005 book Devil's Game: How The United States Helped Unleash Fundamentalist Islam (p.160), "Kathy Christison...headed the CIA's Egypt desk from 1973 to 1977."
Some of these new immigrants found themselves in conflict with older, established immigrants from the same countries, being generally poorer and less established, and hewing to the new, fundamentalist teachings of Lars Levi Laestadius, a Swedish-Sami preacher and botanist born in Arjeplog, Sweden.
He opposed the Iraq War and considered George W. Bush and Ariel Sharon's leadership to be similar to that of "fundamentalist terrorist states."
Leroy S. Johnson (1888–1986), leader of the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints
It was founded in Sudan by Ahmed Hassan Musa, an Islamic fundamentalist close to the Muslim Brotherhood who was leader of the General Union of the Children of Chad (Union Générale des Fils du Tchad or UGFT), an Islamic traditionalist party composed of exiles in Sudan, whose adherents were always recruited mostly among Ouaddaians.
In the 1980s especially, some especially Fundamentalist Christian religious groups accused the game of encouraging interest in sorcery and the veneration of Demons.
On Touba: "And to the orthodox fundamentalist it's utter heresy. Bringing bin Laden here would be like taking Ian Paisley to the Mexican Day of the Dead."
According to the BBC Shahid said "Nur Khan deceived all the fundamentalists in prison and informed on fundamentalist cells around the world.".
The opposition is so much so that even the Yihewani Chinese sect, which is fundamentalist and was founded by Ma Wanfu who was originally inspired by the Wahhabis, reacted with hostility to Ma Debao and Ma Zhengqing, who attempted to introduce Wahhabism/Salafism as the main form of Islam.
University of Haifa political scientist David Bukay lists the NDF as a "fundamentalist and subversive group".
He also wrote a popular book, Have a Nice Doomsday, on Christian fundamentalist belief in the Rapture and how it is changing American foreign policy towards Israel.
"One can say that the real chief of the OJAL was General Mohamed Lamari, since he was the boss of the CC/ALAS, from which depended the paratroopers-commandos and the DRS elements responsibles of these crimes. Colonel Benabdallah indicated to me that if Islamists had committed numerous assassinations of political personalities, the Army had also engaged in this itself: it "struck back against all journalists, scientists or officials who gave support to the Fundamentalist cause.
Patriot Bible University, a fundamentalist Christian correspondence school located in Del Norte, Colorado
In 1930 Woodsmall participated in the Laymen's Foreign Mission Inquiry, an independent ecumenical project of the Protestant churches to assess missionaries' record in converting non-western populations.
Carl McIntire, a right-wing fundamentalist Christian minister, announced that he would move hundreds of "missionaries" to Alpine County to stop any attempt by gay people to effect the plan.
Ellen Willis wrote for that while Berman was correct in criticizing the repressive and inhumane policies of secular dictators such as Saddam Hussein and Islamic fundamentalist groups, Berman was deeply wrong in his praise for the Bush administration's foreign policies.
It first describes early opposition during Darwin's lifetime, then George Frederick Wright's conversion from Christian Darwinist to Fundamentalist opponent and how creationism influenced the Fundamentalist-Modernist Controversy and the rise of prominent populist creationists such as William Jennings Bryan.
The Devil in Dover: An Insider's Story of Dogma v. Darwin in Small-Town America is a 2008 book by journalist Lauri Lebo about the Kitzmiller v. Dover Area School District intelligent design trial, through her own perspective as a local reporter on the trial as she confronted her own attitudes about organized religion and her father who was a fundamentalist Christian.
Apostolic United Brethren, a Mormon fundamentalist group headquartered in Bluffdale, Utah
Robert Van Kampen (1938–1999), American businessman and Christian fundamentalist
Ecuadorian President Rafael Correa objected to the nomination as he considered Ibarguren 'ultraconservative and fundamentalist', he also feared that Ibarguren would destroy all the social work his predecessor had achieved.
He also illustrates and writes a cartoon for The Onion under the pseudonym of 'Kelly', depicting the far-fetched Republican and Fundamentalist Christian one-panels of a middle-aged cartoonist.
With God on Our Side: One Man's War Against an Evangelical Coup in America's Military is a book by Michael Weinstein, founder of the Military Religious Freedom Foundation, about fundamentalist Evangelical Christian influence in the United States Military and its institutions.