
unusual facts about Furies

Battlezone: Rise of the Black Dogs

The Furies escape the coalition forces and set up a new base on a moon of Uranus.

Dea Matrona

This triadic deity is well attested throughout northern Europe (more generally as the Matres or Matrones), not just in Celtic areas, and was similar to the Fates, Furies, Norns, and other such figures.

Mad Harriet

In Final Crisis, Mad Harriet was one of the Furies whose spirit possessed some of Earth's heroines and villainess.

Path of the Fury

In the early chapters of the original works, she is rescued and becomes allied with the weakened drifting spirit of Tisiphone, one of the Greek mythological Furies, who in compensation moves into one corner of Alicia's mind and imbues her with some superheroish abilities.


In Final Crisis Stompa was one of the Furies whose spirit possessed the body of one of Earth's heroes or villains.

see also