
unusual facts about Gürgenli, Sason


Gürgenli, Sason, a village in the district of Sason, Batman Province


Gürgenli, Gerger, a village in the district of Gerger, Adıyaman Province

Mordecai Yoffe

The first five "attires" are devoted to the laws expounded in Yosef Caro's Beit Yosef; the sixth, Ha-Orah is an elucidation of Rashi's biblical commentary; the seventh, Simḥah ve-Sason, contains sermons for holidays and weddings.

Saab Catherina

The Catherina ended up on display in the SAAB museum in Trollhättan, but Sason used some of the design cues previewed in the Catherina in his later design, the mass-market Saab 99.


The region was ruled by the Mamikonian dynasty from around 772 until 1189/1190, when the Mamikonians moved to Cilicia after being dispossessed by Shah-Armen.

Sassoon family

The family name of Sassoon, is also commonly shared by many Armenian and Kurdish families and tribes who all originate from the mountainous district of Sason (whence the family and tribal names), west of Lake Van, in upper Mesopotamia, in modern Turkey.

see also