
3 unusual facts about GCN


Summer 2011: A fourth sub-channel, 17-3, was added as GCN replacing primary ch 17.1 as Informercials.

However, as of January the entite GCN programing was removed leaving only two sub channels blank without audio.

former affiliations = independent via WPIX translator (1970-1992)
Independent (1992-1999)
Primary KBS/Korean programming (1999-2005)
GCN (2005-2013)
OnTV4Us (2013) Secondary KBS/Korean programing (1995-1999) HSN(esp) (2001-2002)



Genesis Communications Network

GCN took over distribution at that time, and carried the show through August 2009, at which point he pulled the show from the network after he accused fellow GCN host Alex Jones of terrorizing his family.


Some of the programing came from out of market religious ministries such as international evangelist Reverend Dr. Jaerock Lee sermon series (this still airs everyday over GCN), Quick Study, Day Of Discovery, and some of the promo programing throughout most of the day for a couple of weeks.


In 2002 he briefly gained widespread attention when the gaming news site IGN discovered and publicized the demo song ZhayTee had recorded as part of a declined bid to compose the music for the GCN game Metroid Prime.

see also