The show won the GCap Media Breakfast Show of the Year award in 2003 and 2005, and the trio also had a Sunday morning slot on London's Capital FM for a time.
RadioDNS was originally created as a collaborative project between Global Radio (at that time called GCap Media) and the BBC, to investigate creating a mechanism for linking Broadcast Radio and IP delivered webservices.
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DNN was set up by Capital (GCap Media), Chrysalis Radio and GMG as part of the bid to win regional DAB licenses from the Radio Authority, who later became Ofcom.
Nation Radio (South Wales, formerly known as Xfm South Wales until purchased from GCap Media (now Global Radio), 30 May 2008)
It went on-air in May 2005 with team members Matt Deegan, Gregory Watson, John Hirst and Jenny Nelson from GCap Media, Vici Woolgar and Chris Skala from Hit Entertainment and advisors Susan Stranks and David Kingsley.