GLARE is currently produced by Cytec Engineered Materials in Wrexham, UK who supplies it to the Airbus A380 component manufacturing facilities at Stork Fokker in the Netherlands as well as at Airbus in Nordenham, Germany.
The planes that crashed into each other were identical Stinson SM-1F Detroiters, sun glare was listed as probable cause.
Noting that the Slovak goalkeeper Viliam Schrojf was somewhat off his line, Santos lofted a long, massive, high arcing ball, into the goalmouth aided by the glare of the afternoon sun.
Screen: LCD, 5 inch colour screen, 800x480 pixels with anti-glare treatment and LED backlight.
Catherine Weagle of the Salem State Log criticized VanCamp's portrayal, stating that Thorne's "revenge glare" was not sufficiently intimidating and also found it implausible that Thorne would be able to keep her true identity a secret.
One of the earliest known instances of a player wearing eye black is baseball legend Babe Ruth, who, in or around the 1930s, used the grease in an attempt to reduce sun glare.
Outraged, Hitler declares "Dot iss no military zecret!" Goebbels and Göring concur -- "Ja. Efferybody knows dot!"—then shoot themselves in the heads after receiving Hitler's angry glare.
Snowgoggles having only small slits to look through to protect their eyes from the glare of snow and ice were carved out of wood or ivory.
They also have features friendly to businesspeople and road warriors such as TPM chips, matte (anti-glare) displays, RAID SSDs, and extended sheet batteries, as well as continuing to include RJ-45 and VGA (D-Sub) connections.
-- Catholic Encyclopedia had "Glare Hall", probably typo, though Clare Hall didn't exist until 1966 -->, Cambridge, where he graduated Bachelor of Arts in 1546.
--Glare Hall??--> and in 1558 received the further degree of Bachelor of Divinity.
According to the statements of the Easter painter and glass maker, having restored these stained glasses in 1741, "the glare of the colors recalls the large canopies of the cathedral of Chartres, and the Gothic paintings are like those of the Sainte-Chapelle in Paris".