
4 unusual facts about GST

Business activity statement

Some roles such as GST can be reported annually, subject to eligibility criteria being met.

Harris Scarfe

The year 2000 was difficult for all retailers, as the Australian Government introduced a new retail turnover tax (the GST).

School fees in New Zealand

As School Donations are voluntary contributions, schools do not have to pay GST on the money they collect.

Special journals

Invoice includes business name (sellers) and address, invoice number, ABN, buyer details, date, description of goods purchased, quantity, unit price, amount (per item x quantity), total price and GST.



Ad valorem tax

The Canadian Goods and Services Tax (GST) (French: Taxe sur les produits et services, TPS) is a multi-level value-added tax introduced in Canada on January 1, 1991, by Prime Minister Brian Mulroney and finance minister Michael Wilson.

Alex Kindy

Kindy, David Kilgour, and Pat Nowlan all opposed the GST and voted against it in the House of Commons resulting in their expulsion from the Progressive Conservative caucus on April 10, 1990.

Bob Hogg

As a columnist, Bob Hogg has sometimes expressed views at variance with those of the ALP; during the 1999 debate on a GST he criticised those opposing the tax (including independent Brian Harradine) on the grounds that such a tax would ensure funding for policies traditionally advocated by Labor, such as state schools and hospitals.

Gulf States Toyota Distributors

In 2003, GST helped name Houston's premier sports and entertainment venue—the Toyota Center.

Reg Boorman

National Party Candidate Wyatt Creech later challenged that result on the grounds that Boorman had violated new laws about election spending as a result of deducting the (then new) GST Tax amounts in his spending return, effectively reducing his declared spend by 10%.

Registrar of Imported Vehicles

The RIV program also requires anyone importing a vehicle into Canada to pay a RIV fee of $195+GST CAD (and QST if being imported into Quebec) in addition to a $100 CAD excise tax paid to Canada Customs and Revenue Agency if the vehicle has air conditioning.

see also