Additionally, ATN-7 and GTV-9 experimented with local drama with the Shell Presents productions of plays.
After the Argus closed in 1956 he was hired by the fledging television station GTV-9 and worked in its news production team.
From the middle of 2006 it is also part of the television GTV.
It was first broadcast in Taiwan on free-to-air Formosa TV (FTV) (民視) from 27 February 2009 to 26 February 2010 on Fridays at 22:00 and on cable TV Gala Television (GTV) Variety Show/CH 28 (八大綜合台) from 28 February 2009 to 27 February 2010 on Saturdays at 23:00.
All presenting is done from the studios of Melbourne's GTV-9, a commercial television station in Melbourne, Australia owned by the Nine Network (also broadcast on location from the Gold Coast's Warner Bros. Movie World by Lauren Phillips and Andrew Faulkner.
Several years later, the 350 GTV was placed on display at the Lamborghini Museum in Sant'Agata Bolognese, Italy.
(The Wertheim factory later became a Heinz factory and, for over 50 years, has been the studios for television station GTV-9.)