The name is in part derived from the town where they were first observed, Gabela.
The Gabela Akalat (Sheppardia gabela), a species of bird, was first recorded here by scientists and subsequently named after the town, as were the Gabela Helmet-shrike (Prionops gabela) and Gabela Bush-shrike (Laniarius amboimensis); these endangered species are only found in the uplands near Gabela.
According to history, Gabela was first mentioned in a contract between Nemanja, the ruler, and Dubrovnik as Drijeva (the Croatian word for ship or ferry).
The indictment charged Nikola Andrun with acting contrary to Geneva Conventions in his capacity as the deputy head of the camp "Gabela" (municipality of Čapljina) during the second half of 1993, at the time of a conflict between the Army of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Croatian Defense Council (HVO).