
3 unusual facts about Gabriel Jean Joseph Molitor

Gabriel Jean Joseph Molitor

He was sent with Massena to Italy in 1805, where he served at Vago and Caldiero.

Upon the return of the emperor from Elba, Molitor joined him during the Hundred Days, for which he was stripped of his functions after Napoleon's defeat.

Molitor Stradivarius

Thought to have been owned by Napoleon Bonaparte, the violin belonged to 19th century Parisian socialite and arts patron Juliette Récamier until 1804, when it came into the possession of a general in Napoleon's army, Count Gabriel Jean Joseph Molitor.

Hundred Thousand Sons of Saint Louis

To the east and southeast, Molitor pushed back General Ballesteros into Aragon, pursuing him as far as Murcia and Granada, winning an engagement at Campillo de Arenas on 28 July and forcing his surrender on 4 August.

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