
5 unusual facts about Gaffey


Hugh Joseph Gaffey (1895–1946), Chief of Staff for General George Patton's Third Army during World War II

Michael James Gaffey, planetary scientist who specializes in deriving the mineralogies of asteroids from their reflectance spectra

Michael Gaffey (1893–1961), the police chief of San Francisco between 1951 and 1955

3545 Gaffey (1981 WK2), a Main-belt Asteroid discovered in 1981

Thomas Gaffey, American politician, state senator from Connecticut since 1995

Thomas Gaffey

In January 2009 the Hartford Courant announced state auditors were looking into other instances of improper reimbursement by Gaffey, including double billing of out of state travel to both the state government and his political action committee.

In 2008 Gaffey did break with party leadership to support a Three Strikes Law to give life sentences to career violent criminals supported by Governor M. Jodi Rell; perhaps as the town of Cheshire is in his district and its 2007 home invasion prompted the bill.

On December 2, 2007, Hartford Courant columnist Kevin Rennie detailed Gaffey's efforts on behalf of a billion dollar bonding proposal from the Connecticut State University system; which he promoted while being romantically involved with the university administrator lobbying for the proposal.

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