
unusual facts about Gaia Hypothesis

Gaia Movement

Gaia Preservation Coalition: The Gaia Preservation Coalition is a gathering of those who are concerned about the impact of humanity upon the biosphere and who seek with others to reduce the carbon footprint of society through the creation and exploration of ideas and actions that move Humanity toward a more harmonious relationship within Gaia.

Gaian Greens

Political Gaians are a relatively recent offshoot of the ecology movement—and get their name from the Gaia hypothesis, a postulate first devised by James Lovelock holding that the biosphere tends to homeorhetic balance or even homeostasis (with the implication that human beings should be working toward such balances or states.)

Spiritual ecology

Within the field of science, spiritual ecology is emerging in arenas including Physics, Biology (see: Ursula Goodenough), Consciousness Studies (see: Brian Swimme; California Institute of Integral Studies), Systems Theory (see: David Loy; Nondual Science Institute), and Gaia Hypothesis, which was first articulated by James Lovelock and Lynn Margulis in the 1970s.

see also