
unusual facts about Gaitskell


Hugh Gaitskell (1906–1963), British politician; leader of the Labour party.


Hugh Gaitskell |

Campaign for Democratic Socialism

Gaitskell had promised that there would be no new taxes under his administration should be become Prime Minister, not wanting to tamper with the prosperity that had emerged in Britain under the Conservative governments of Winston Churchill, Anthony Eden, and Harold Macmillan.

As a result of the massive Bevanite grassroots mobilization against Gaitskell, the CDS was established in October 1960 by a group of Labour politicians and supporters, among the most prominent of which were Bill Rodgers, Dick Taverne, Anthony Crosland, Douglas Jay, Roy Jenkins.

Robots in Disguise

Plume (Delia Gaitskell) and Denim (Suzanne Powell) met and formed the band when they were both students at the University of Liverpool.

see also