Companies like Heringer, Galvani, Rhodia and Purina make Bethel a place industrialized, but with very high levels of pollution, which makes this district a place with serious environmental problems.
Several of his major works, such as the “Pastelaria Mexicana” (cafe), the “Palissi Galvani” shop and the Hotel Florida in Lisbon, the Hotel Garbe, the Hotel da Baleeira and the Hotel Globo in the Algarve or the Chamber of Commerce of Bissau in Guinea-Bissau include conceptually integrated visual arts interventions, some created by himself.
Josefina Pla was born in Isla de Lobos, Canarias, the daughter of Leopoldo Plá and Rafaela Guerra Galvani.
Galvani's report of his investigations were mentioned specifically by Mary Shelley as part of the summer reading list leading up to an ad hoc ghost story contest on a rainy day in Switzerland — and the resultant novel Frankenstein — and its reanimated construct.
In 1801, Giovanni Aldini (Galvani's nephew) started a study in which he successfully used the technique of direct current stimulation to improve the mood of melancholy patients.