
2 unusual facts about Game Over: Kasparov and the Machine

Deep Blue versus Garry Kasparov

Regarding the end of game 2 and 44.Kf1 in particular, chess journalist Mig Greengard in the Game Over film states, "It turns out, that the position in, here at the end is actually a draw, and that, one of Deep Blue's final moves was a terrible error, because Deep Blue has two choices here. It can move its king here or move its king over here. It picked the wrong place to step."

In this game Kasparov accused IBM of cheating, a claim repeated in the documentary Game Over: Kasparov and the Machine.

Game over

For instance, upon the death of the player character Little King's Story shows the message "LIFE OVER" and Catherine displays the message "LOVE IS OVER".

"Game over" is also sometimes used as a phrase to concede defeat, as for example in the movie Aliens where one of the protagonists, Private William Hudson (Bill Paxton), shouts, "Game over, man!" after the dropship meant to rescue him and his expedition is destroyed.

Some game over variations use literary references such as Abandon All Hope in Devil May Cry 4, and Dante's Inferno which uses a quote from the book of the same name every time the player dies.

Gunpei Yokoi

According to David Sheff's book Game Over, Yokoi never actually intended for the console to be released in its present form.

Jingkang Incident

In Bandit Kings of Ancient China, a video game by Koei, failure to win the game before 1127 will result in the Jurchen occupying the entire China on the game map in January 1127 as the game over.

Mario Segale

This story was first published in David Sheff's 1993 book Game Over (however, because of a spelling error in the aforementioned book, for years it was thought his last name was spelled Segali), and later appeared in Steven L. Kent's The Ultimate History of Video Games in 2001.

Virtual Boy

According to David Sheff's book Game Over, Yokoi never actually intended for the console to be released in its ultimate form.

see also