
unusual facts about Gare de Lyon-Jean Macé

Gare de Lyon-Jean Macé

The station allows passengers to regional trains from Bourgoin-Jallieu, La Tour-du-Pin, Saint-André-le-Gaz, Vienne, Valencia, Mâcon and Villefranche-sur-Saône, according to their final destination, to use the new station as additional entry point in the center of Lyon.


The town today has three collèges and four lycées : there is a scientific, technical and professional lycée, Jean Macé, a general and technical lycée, Gay-Lussac, a private lycée, Saint-Charles, and a private agricultural lycée, Robert Schuman.

Édouard Rosset-Granger

In 1900, he was invited to paint Le Train blue on a decorative panel for the Gare de Lyon restaurant in Paris.


Gare de Lyon-Perrache, one of the main two stations of Lyon, located in the quarter of the same name

Rue Lainerie

In its northern part, at the junction with the Rue François Vernay, several old houses were razed in 1911, under the mandate of President Édouard Herriot, during development works of the district which included the construction of the Gare de Lyon-Saint-Paul (1874) and the Palais de Bondy, housing the Salle Molière (1904).

see also