Josser on the Farm is a 1934 British comedy film directed by T. Hayes Hunter and starring Ernie Lotinga, Betty Astell and Garry Marsh.
Madame Louise is a 1951 British comedy film directed by Maclean Rogers and starring Richard Hearne, Petula Clark, Garry Marsh and Richard Gale.
Sheldrake (Garry Marsh) gets the diamond necklace, which he has hidden in the upper portion of a toilet.
Old Mother Riley Joins Up is a 1940 British comedy film directed by Maclean Rogers and starring Arthur Lucan, Kitty McShane, Garry Marsh and Bruce Seton.
Garry Kasparov | marsh | Garry Schofield | Rod Marsh | Garry Shandling | Jordan Marsh | Garry Lyon | Stan Marsh | Marsh Harrier | Marsh Fritillary | Garry Trudeau | Garry McDonald | Garry Wills | Garry Shider | Garry Moore | Garry Marsh | Shaun Marsh | Othniel Charles Marsh | Moreton-in-Marsh | Garry Spiegle | Garry Marshall | Bacchus Marsh | Romney Marsh | Ngaio Marsh | Natasha Marsh | Marsh & McLennan Companies | Marsh Creek State Park | Geoff Marsh | Garry Maddox | Fort Garry |
Ask Beccles is a 1933 British comedy crime film directed by Redd Davis and starring Garry Marsh, Lilian Oldland, Abraham Sofaer and John Turnbull.
The Claydon Treasure Mystery is a 1938 film directed by H. Manning Haynes and starring John Stuart, Garry Marsh and Evelyn Ankers.